qul man yarzuqukum mina l-samāwāti wal-arḍi quli l-lahu wa-innā aw iyyākum laʿalā hudan aw fī ḍalālin mubīni
Say, "Who provides (for) you from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "Allah. And indeed, we or you (are) surely upon guidance or in error clear."
Say: “Who is it that provides for you sustenance out of the heavens and the earth?” Say: “It is God. And, behold, either we [who believe in Him] or you [who deny His oneness] are on the right path, or have clearly gone astray!”
Say: Who giveth you provision from the sky and the earth? Say: Allah, Lo! we or you assuredly are rightly guided or in error manifest
Say: "Who gives you sustenance, from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "It is Allah; and certain it is that either we or ye are on right guidance or in manifest error!"
Ask ˹them, O Prophet˺, “Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?” Say, “Allah! Now, certainly one of our two groups is ˹rightly˺ guided; the other is clearly astray.”
Say, "Who provides for you from the heavens and the Earth? " Say, "God does. Then you or we are rightly guided or lost."
Ask them, Who provides sustenance for you from the heavens and the earth? Say, It is God; either you or we are rightly guided or in manifest error
Say: Who gives you the sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Say: Allah. And most surely we or you are on a right way or in manifest erro
Say: Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth? Say: God. And, truly, we or you are either on guidance or clearly going astray.
SAY: "Who provides for you out of Heaven and Earth?" SAY: "God [Alone]." Are either we or you closer to guidance, or else in obvious error?"
Say (O Muhammad to these polytheists): “Who gives you provision from the heavens and the earth?” Say: “Allah, and surely, (either) we or you are on guidance or in a plain error.”
Say, “Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?” Say, “God. And surely either we or you are upon guidance or in manifest error.
Say, “Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?” Say, “God,” and “Either we or you are on guidance or clearly in the wrong.”
Say, 'Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?' Say, 'God. And Either you, or we, are rightly guided, or in evident error.'
Say: “Who gives you provision from the heavens and the earth?” Say: “Allah, and verily, (either) we or you are truly on guidance, or in plain error.”
O Prophet, ask them: "Who provides your sustenance from the heavens and the earth?" If they do not answer, then say: "It is Allah! Certainly one of us; either we or you are rightly guided or in manifest error."
Say, "Who provides you from the heavens and the earth?" Say, " Allah! And surely, either we or you (only) are indeed upon (right) guidance or in evident error."
Say, "Who provides you with sustenance from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "It is God. Only one group among us has the true guidance. The others must certainly be in plain error"
Say, .Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth?. Say, .Allah. And We or you are either on the right path or in open error
Say, "Who grants you provision from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "Allah" and see for yourself who is rightly guided and who is in error, we or you?" (You wish to keep the God-given resources unto yourselves and we insist on an equitable distribution)
Say, "Who sends you provisions from the heavens and the earth?" (And if they fail to answer) say, "Allah! And only one of us is upon the true guidance. The other has clearly gone astray."
Say: "Who gives you provision (your livelihood), from the heavens and (from) the earth?" Say: "It is Allah; And it is (also) certain that either we or you are in right guidance or in clear error!"
Say, "Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?" Say, " Allah . And indeed, we or you are either upon guidance or in clear error."
Say: "Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "God! And either we or you are guided, or are clearly astray."
Say [Prophet], ‘Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and earth?’ Say, ‘God does,’ and ‘[One party of us] must be rightly guided and the other clearly astray.’
Say thou: who provideth food for you from the heavens and the earth? Say thou: Allah; verily either we or ye are on the guidance or in error manifest
Say: "Who gives you food from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "God. Surely either you or we are on guidance, or are lost in clear error."
Say: ´Who provides for you from the heavens and earth?´ Say: ´Allah. It is certain that one or the other of us, either we or you, is following guidance or else clearly astray.´
Say: "Who is it that provides for you out of the heavens and the earth?" Say: "It is God! Surely then, either we (who believe in His Oneness as the Deity, Lord, and Supreme Sovereign) or you (who associate partners with Him in His Divinity, Lordship, and Sovereignty) follow the right guidance or are in obvious error."
Say, ‘Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?’ Say, ‘Allah! Indeed either we or you are rightly guided or in manifest error.’
Say, "Who gives you the sustenance from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "It is Allah. And most surely we or you are on a right way or in manifest error!"
Say: “Who provides for you from the skies and the earth?” Say: “God, and indeed (either) we or you are on guidance or in obvious error.”
Say, “Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth?” Say, “It is God, and certainly we and you are either on right guidance or in manifest error.
Ask, Messenger: “Who provides you sustenance from the Heavens and the Earth?” Say: “Allah. It is either you or us: since only one can be guided, the other must be misguided.”
Ask them, (O Prophet): "Who provides you sustenance from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "Allah. Now, inevitably only one of us is rightly guided, either we or you; and the other is in manifest error."
Say: "Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "God! And either we or you are guided, or are clearly astray."
Say, "Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "Allah! And indeed either of us — we or you — are on right guidance or in manifest error."
Say you, 'who provides for you from the heavens and the earth'? Say you, 'Allah and , undoubtedly, either we or you necessarily are upon the guidance or in open error.'
Say, "Who provides for you, from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "GOD," and "Either we or you are guided, or have gone far astray."
Say: 'Who provides for you from the heavens and earth? ' Say: 'Allah. ' Surely, either we or you are rightly guided or in clear error
Say: Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Say: Allah. And surely we or you are on a right way or in manifest error
Say: "Who provides for you from the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth?" Say: "God and that we or you (are) on (E) guidance, or in clear/evident misguidance."
Ask the disbelievers: “Who provides for you from the heaven [rain] and from the earth [edible materials.]? We believe that it is God. Naturally we cannot be both right and one of us [either the believers or the disbelievers] is wrong
Proclaim, “Who provides you sustenance from the sky and the earth?” Proclaim, “Allah - and indeed either we or you are upon guidance, or in open error.”
Say, `Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth?' Say, `ALLAH. Either WE or you are on right guidance or in manifest error
Say: ‘Who provides you sustenance from the heavens and the earth?’ Say (yourself): ‘Allah (provides). And no doubt, either we or you are guided aright or lost in open error.
Say, `Who provides you sustenance from the heavens and the earth?' (Then) tell, `(None other than) Allah.' Surely, we (- the believers) are on the right guidance, nonetheless you (the disbelievers) are engrossed in evident error
Say (O Muhammad SAW to these polytheists, pagans, etc.) "Who gives you provision from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "Allah, And verily, (either) we or you are rightly guided or in a plain error."
Say: 'Who provides for you out of the heavens and the earth?' Say: 'God.' Surely, either we or you are upon right guidance, or in manifest error
Say, who provideth food for you from heaven and earth? Answer, God: And either we, or ye, follow the true direction, or are in a manifest error
Say, 'Who provides from the heavens and the earth?' Say, 'God.' And, verily, we or ye are surely in guidance or in an obvious error
SAY: Who supplieth you out of the Heavens and the Earth? SAY: God. And either we or ye have guidance, or are in palpable error
Say: ‘Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?‘ Say: ‘God. Either we or you are right, or clearly in the wrong.‘
Say, “Who provides sustenance for you from the heavens and from the earth?” say, “It is Allah; so either only we or only you are on guidance or in evident misguidance.
Say: "Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Say: “It is Allâh alone! Verily, we or you are either on the path of truth or in utter deception".
Say: who provides for you from the heavens and the earth? Say: Allah, and we or you are either upon guidance or in clear error.
Saysg, “Who provides for youpl from the heavens and the earth?” Say, “Allah—and indeed, either you or we are rightly guided or in evident misguidance.”
Say, “Who provides for you from the skies and the earth?” Say, “Allah! Truly, you [unbelievers] or we [believers] are on right guidance or in obvious error.”
SAY: "Who provides for you out of Heaven and Earth?" SAY: "Allah (God) [Alone]." Either we or you are closer to guidance, or else in obvious error."
Say, “Who provides livelihood to you from the skies and the earth?” Say, “Allah. And we or you are either upon guidance or in obvious astray.”
Say: 'Who is it that gives you sustenance out of the heavens and the earth?' Say: 'It is God; and either we or you are on the right path or have clearly gone astray!'
Say, "Who provides you sustenance from the heavens and the earth?" Say, “God. And either you or we are on guidance or in evident error."
Say, “Who provides your life sustenance from the heavens and the earth (levels of consciousness and body)?”... Say, “Allah! Indeed, one of us is upon the reality and the other in clear corruption!”
Say: Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Say: Allah . And verily we or you are upon right guidance, or in manifest error.
Ask them O Muhammad: Who provides you with livelihood from the heavens - rain, heat, light- and from the earth (plants, animals, springs, oil, minerals and treasures)! And say to them: "It is Allah" and say to them: "Obviously some of us are treading the path of truth and righteousness and the others treading the path leading to the loss in the maze of error"
Say, “ Who provides you from the skies and the earth?” Say, “Allah, and certainly (either) we or you are on guidance or in clear error.”
Say, 'Who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?' Say, 'God; and indeed, we or you are surely upon guidance or in clear error.’
Say: "Who gives you sustenance, from the heavens and the earth?" Say: "It is God; and certain it is that either we or ye are on right guidance or in manifest error!"
Say, "Who provides (for) you from the heavens and the earth?" Say, "Allah. And indeed, we or you (are) surely upon guidance or in error clear.
Qul man yarzuqukum mina alssamawati waal-ardi quli Allahu wa-inna aw iyyakum laAAala hudan aw fee dalalin mubeenin
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